Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
When God calls, we go. Missions is a foundational area of Faith. Our church commissions, sends, and supports international missionary families, partners with local missions & organizations,
and teaches that we all have a role to play to fulfill the mission of God.
and teaches that we all have a role to play to fulfill the mission of God.

Active Missionary Families
White Family
SIM U.S.A (in North Carolina)
The White’s returned in June 2021 from their 2nd mission in Malawi. Jeff is serving in the position of Integration Coordinator for SIM U.S.A in North Carolina. This entails Jeff taking all approved U.S. missionaries and coordinating their training, preparation and placement in their next phase. He mentors these missionaries through their first 2-4 years on the field. Before leaving Malawi, Jeff White served faithfully on our church’s staff for 5 years.
Weaver Family
Papua New Guinea
The Weavers have served since 2020 in Papua New Guinea. They are currently serving on the Tech Services Team to assist Church planters throughout PNG.
Johnson Family
The Johnsons have been serving with the International Mission Board among refugees in Nairobi, Kenya. Currently they are working with refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, along with some from Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi. Their vision is that every refugee living in Nairobi has the opportunity to respond to the gospel, be discipled, connected to a healthy local church, and equipped to do the same wherever God leads them.
McMurry Family
Midland/Odessa, Texas
Tyler and Cindy McMurry have begun work in the Midland/Odessa, TX area to establish a Baptist Student Ministry on multiple campuses. The McMurry's were faithful members of our church during the time working at Midwestern State University and are committed to the work of discipleship and evangelism. We are proud to support their continued ministry to college students.
Support Missions through Faith
Email with follow up questions from newsletters. (You won’t be a bother)
E-cards, or a video message for any holiday, birthday, anniversary. (Christmas cards!)
Download a messaging app to easily stay in touch (WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram).
Stay in touch by telling us what you are up to. Send us pictures of you, your kids, your kitty, your painting project, etc.
Pray for us and then tell us you did or what you prayed for.
Give a book you thought was really meaningful, a movie you liked for a family movie night, or a worship song or album you love through the internet (send a gift download through Amazon).
Tell your friends about our ministry.
Ask good intentional questions (check in on us), missionaries need to be checked on too, maybe especially.
Share what God is doing in your life, or a Bible passage he’s used in your life recently.
Come for a visit!
Encourage our active missionaries.
Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.
Send a word of encouragement to the White's in North Carolina.
Send a word of encouragement to the Weaver's in Papua New Guinea.
Send a word of encouragement to the Ostermann's in Uganda.
Send a word of encouragement to the Johnson's in Kenya. If you would like to be added to the Johnson’s newsletter list insert a message and your email below.
Send a word of encouragement to the McMurry's in Midland/Odessa, Texas.
Local Missions
Church Without Walls
Church Without Walls holds worship services and meals for the homeless. Our church provides and serves meals, helps with worship, gives haircuts, and provides financial and physical donations.
Ben Milam Elementary School
We are Partners in Education (PIE) with the elementary school. We serve the staff and students in various ways including Good News Club.
Faith Mission & Refuge
Our church donates food and supplies and supports the ministry to the homeless financially.
Interfaith Outreach Services
We donate food through our Return the Blessing event and provide financial support to Interfaith which in turn provides support for those that most need it.
Camp Chaparral
WAC Association
Gideons International
Faith maintains close ties with Camp Chaparral and supports their camp ministry to children, students, and families through service projects, camp participation, and financial support.
The Wichita-Archer-Clay Association consists of 58 churches who work cooperatively to support each other and the community. Our church provides financial support to this ministry.
Gideons International distribute Bibles locally and globally and maintains a thriving prison ministry. Faith supports Gideons financially and often donates literature to be used for their ministries.